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Hey there!

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.

I know, that sounds so cliché, but I’m being serious here.

Today can be the day that you choose to change your perspective and take control of your life.

Today can be the day that you become the author of your own story and start writing something amazing.

Or it can just be another day – unfulfilling, uninspired, meaningless…

The choice is really yours.

Know this: I don’t say that lightly.

I’m not downplaying your struggles. They’re very real.

I’m not telling you to get over it and move on – it won’t happen overnight.

I’m just telling you that you are at a crossroads and it’s time to pick a direction.

Will you continue doing the same thing and produce the same results that you don’t want?


Or will you choose the new path and start Living your life intentionally on purpose?

I’ve been in your shoes before. My life was far from the life I wanted. Far from making me feel happy and fulfilled. So I took a step back and decided it was time to change that.

That’s what I hope for you now.

I am here to help you make that shift, but only if you are ready.

Here are some things I do know…

You’re not after a “good enough” life.
You want a life that fulfills you, excites you, and lets you follow your dreams.

But lately, you’ve felt more like you’re hitting a glass ceiling – you just can’t seem to get to the next level you desperately crave.


Maybe you’re digging into personal development books, podcasts, courses, and more but still aren’t seeing results – or don’t know how to implement what you’re learning.

Maybe you’ve already worked with a coach and found out it wasn’t a good fit, so you’re skeptical about committing again. 

Maybe you’ve been stuck here for quite a while, so long that you can’t see the way up yet and not even sure where to begin..

Maybe you know exactly what it is that you want, and need someone in your corner to simply support you unconditionally during this time of transition.

You’re aware that SOMETHING is keeping you stuck, you just aren’t sure what it is.

And you can’t break free from something you can’t identify.

You want the next level… to start the next chapter of your life.
But you want it in a way that feels totally supportive, loving, and motivating so you finally make the progress you’ve been dreaming of.

You want a new beginning.
You are aching to step outside of your comfort zone.
You want to connect to a deeper purpose.
You are ready to explore what it out there, just beyond your reach.
You have a desire to open your heart.
You yearn to accept yourself, all parts of you.

Today is the day you can look up at the glass ceiling and let it know you’re coming for it, and
I’m going to show you how.

I’ll get you to the next level.
If you are ready for an adventure, let’s chat and see if coaching is right for you.


What will it be like working together?

One to One Coaching is available through flexible virtual appointments, where you do not even need to leave your home.

I strongly believe if you do not work through what has been carried over from your past, it will live in your subconscious and your goals for the future will be more challenging to achieve. We need to become one with, accept and release our past, so we can embrace our future unapologetically.

“When we are one with our past, our subconscious mind accepts the challenges in our future. “

So often, we want the quick fix or short cut, but it is not sustainable and often will result in returning to old habits or patterns. Because my clients invest their time and patience in this process, time and time again they reap the benefits of lasting change.

The number one thing that clients will experience working with me, is often I will intuitively address what you are NOT saying and do not even realize is what you need. Intuitively I will see your challenges and understand them in a way that you had never considered, bringing it all together.


Unique Signature Method

RELEASE: We’ll start with looking at where you have been. The ups and downs, challenges and achievements that brought you to where you are today, digging deep into my intuitive awareness to help identify any blocks you may be holding onto, customizing tools and techniques to overcome and release these challenges. We will work deeply within the soul to create peace from within allowing an open heart and mind providing the space for something more. In the end, we will find your gifts that have been gained through life’s obstacles.

RECONNECT: We will look at where you are now and how your past may have influenced these areas to help you grow as well as how it has hold you back. At this stage, we will identify the day to day challenges you are facing while aligning your values and desires to support and overcome your fears .

REINVENT: You have the ability to start over at any time in your life, shift gears and recreate who and what you want to be. Together we will explore what your specific goals are in this stage of life while developing a strategic roadmap to get you there.. More often than not we will reinforce many of the strengths gained by your life lessons to prepare for hurdles along the way.


Everything we do will be totally customized to get you results that will last. When we finish our time together, you’ll be on a whole new level and ready to deal with what life throws your way. 

As a coaching client you will receive:

  • Weekly Hour-Long Sessions  

  • Private Online Platform for Communication – You’ll be able to easily access me throughout the week, and all of our call recordings and homework will be stored here. Plus, you’ll have access to this for life if you ever need to go back and review something we worked on to get back on track.

  • Accountability – This is the missing piece. Reading the books and taking the courses isn’t enough for most people. You need someone who will hold you accountable, encourage you to do the work, and support you along the way.

  • Exclusive Discounts for Future Programs – When you purchase a coaching package, you’ll also get discounts to apply to other programs I offer in the future for a lifetime. This is a great way to continue your progress and be sure you continue to uplevel.
