Next Course Begins January 6th, 2020

I want to share with you the experience I have gained working in law and finance for nearly 20 years.

Through the years, I have had so many friends and family members who were overwhelmed and scared of their finances, ask me how to get back on track. 

My passion now is to serve and help you! 


Now, while the information in this course IS NOT legal advise, it is guidance, and direction from a lifetime of working in finance, personal development and resourcefulness.

You cannot be independent since the age of 17 without hitting some bumps along the way, but I want to be the example for others, and give you the lessons I have learned. 

This course is far more valuable then what I am offering it for. As a matter of fact. I have intentionally kept this course affordable because I want everyone to have access to it.  

What does course this include: 

Weekly Group call
PDF & Video Lessons

Plus Bonuses: 

  • 50 Low Cost Business Ideas (Valued at $97)

  • 20 Best practices for dealing with debt collectors (Valued at $67)

  • 50 Resources to Save Money (Valued at $127)

  • 50 Resources to supplement your income (Valued at $87)
    FREE gifts worth $378

 Sign up today for $397
Get yourself ready for the new year, new mind, and more abundance

Who is this course for?

The Financial Empowerment Course is for YOU if you can say YES to any of these:

  • If you have trouble remembering what to pay when

  • If you are living paycheck to paycheck and often miss your due dates

  • If the fear of an unexpected expense can send you into a panic attack

  • If you have no budget (written or digitial) to plan for the upcoming year

  • If you are trying to save for a major expense but cannot see how to do it

  • If you would like to leave your 9to5, but the idea of not having a paycheck scares you to death.

  • If you are a business owner, but are not planning out your expenses and simply flying on the seat of your pants.

  • If you just want to give yourself a fresh start, create financial order and transition your life into that of abundance.

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I have created the
Financial Empowerment Course
for those of you who are...

  • Ready to learn

  • Ready for change

  • Ready for growth

  • Ready for a fresh start

  • Ready for a new perspective

If you are ready to unlock the doors to your Financial control once and for all,
this course is for you!