What if you finally became all you were meant to be?
I see you out there, going through the motions of daily life.
You’re content and things are good enough, but you don’t want good enough, do you?
Deep down, you know you were destined for more.
You’ve always felt like there was more to this life than what you’re experiencing.
Like.. maybe, just maybe, you’re on the edge of something great.
Something BIG.
You just can’t get there from here… yet.
You could be one breakthrough away from living the life you’ve always desired for yourself.
I know because I’ve been in your shoes… feeling like there was more, and then finally breaking through and experiencing all life has to offer.
Luv, there is ONE thing standing between you and that next level.
Your own personal glass ceiling.
Your potential and possibilities become limitless. There is nothing holding you back anymore. You’re unstoppable!
You recognize old patterns and stories that keep you playing small and release those chains forever, allowing a happier, more present you to take bloom. True Freedom!
You are no longer tied to your past, being reminded of the things that went wrong, but instead forgive it all and let it go. The past is in the past!
You uncover any blocks and fears that have been holding you down and keeping you quiet, allowing you to finally strengthen your voice and sense of self. Own it!
You develop your communication skills to build the better, stronger relationships you’ve always craved. Sisterhood!
You learn and establish your own healthy boundaries so you can stay true to yourself and know what decision to make in any situation. You’re worth it!
You align your subconscious and conscious minds in a way that helps you build LASTING change.
It’s time for you to rebuild your life and rewrite your story.
Spoiler alert: YOU WIN!
And as your own personal breakthrough catalyst, I’ll hold your hand every step of the way and help you get there from here.
The Empowered Living Program is an 12-week Mastermind Experience that’s unlike anything you’ve ever tried before. You’ll dive deep with 12 weeks of lessons, reflections, calls, community, and tools that will uncover your pathways to emotional freedom and create lasting change. The result? You’ll finally become all you were meant to be.
What’s your story – the true picture of who you are at your core that fuels every decision you make (whether you know it or not)?
Maybe, at your heart, you are still that shy, insecure child who never broke out of her shell.
Maybe you have stories of abandonment and heartache, but you’ve never let it stop you – and you have the desire to continue to grow and learn as you reach your true potential.
Or it could be that life is going pretty good for you right now, but you crave the breakthroughs and love coaching experiences that help you get to that next level of yourself.
No matter what story you’re living out – you can revive the person inside of you that was destined for more, who craves greatness, and finally introduce the real YOU to the world – the version of you that has a voice. The you that’s confident, brave, courageous, and ready to set the world on fire.
You can become all of that – AND MORE – and there is no better day than today to get started.
I’m Amanda
And you might be wondering why you should listen to me.
I feel like life is one of the best teachers, and I’ve had my fair share of lessons! Years ago, I was in your shoes.
I knew that life had a bigger plan for me, but things just kept getting in the way. If you read my story, you know life was never just handed to me on a silver platter! I worked very hard to get to where I am today. I believe my struggles and achievements are what keep me grounded and humble to connect to my clients, friends, and loved ones.
And even though life itself has taught me a lot, I’ve had 20 years of education, coaching, and certification that gives me the knowledge to coach my clients through amazing breakthroughs and create programs like this…
“The first time I heard the term life coach, it was on the “Scott Baio reality show”, I thought it was an awesome concept because it is not the same as traditional therapy. I initially tried Amanda’s free initial session and immediately felt how passionate she is. She has great intuition and a way of asking questions that will continue to push you to the next level in your life. I highly recommend her.”
I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide your voice, be complacent, or the greatness you feel that’s just out of your reach will stay out of your reach forever.
I know you’re moving towards something amazing. You’re on the cusp of everything you’ve always wanted – and instead of spending years searching for the answers (and maybe never breaking through) commit to 12 weeks with me and we’ll achieve things you never thought possible!
The knowledge and friendships you gain in these 12 weeks will be something you always carry with you – you’ll have the skills and the tools to get through anything that comes your way in the future and you’ll be able to turn any situation around in your favor.
“WOW! What an amazing session I just had with Amanda. THANK YOU! You are really amazing at uncovering the bigger picture of achievement and life, as well as the things that keep us from doing it. She offered a refreshing reality check that has really helped me flush some blockages today. It just took another curvy chick to understand exactly what I do, what I am going through, and what I needed. I really appreciate the time, effort and energy that went into our call. Looking forward to working closely with you. Thank you Amanda.”
It’s time to reclaim a life full of passion,
purpose, and presence.
There are 6 human needs that can explain why your life has unfolded the way it has so far and help uncover how and why you make the decisions you make. We’ll find out what your primary need is, how the remaining 5 relate to you, and how your highest need is affecting your life. We won’t just look at it from one side though – we’ll dive deep to discover how your needs are helping you and how they are holding you back. You’ll learn how to honor your highest need in a healthy way – and how you can shift to create what you’ve been missing in your life.
Forgiveness is key to moving on and getting ahead in life. When we explore forgiveness and letting go, you may find you’re holding onto stuff you didn’t even realize – and it’s holding you down. We’ll uncover how holding on to things impact our lives and discover the real power in letting go. You’ll feel fully supported as you explore your past in a safe, controlled way that won’t have you feeling like you’re going over the edge.
I know what you’re thinking, positive thinking, really? We can’t live our best life just by thinking of sunshine and butterflies. I totally get it – but here’s the thing, positive thinking is so MUCH more than *just* thinking positive. This week, we’ll learn how pessimism is poisoning your life and breathing life into the OPPOSITE of what you really want. We’ll cover guilt, beating yourself up, and blaming and we’ll also look at energy vampires in your life that are bringing you down. We’ll discuss physical activity and nutrition – and it how they impact your thoughts and emotions. Finally, you’ll reflect on the progress you’ve made up to this point.
This week, we’ll talk about how you can build healthy boundaries and give yourself permission to honor them. You may be surprised to find that most of the problems you’ve had with people in the past (and maybe the present, too) are because you had a boundary problem. We’ll look at your needs and your values, so you can create boundaries that are essential to living your version of a great life. You’ll also learn how to sharpen your communication skills as we dive deep into listening versus hearing. Relationships will change this week!
Blocks and fears make up most of your glass ceiling – that thing that’s keeping you from your next level. Some of them you may be fully aware of, but feel stuck in them… while you may uncover others that truly surprise you. We’ll look at your blocks and fears and get to the root of them – where (WHO) do they come? Once you’ve identified them, I’ll give you the tools to discredit and overcome them so you can release their chains once and for all.
We are all our biggest critics. There is no one who is going to be hard on you like you are yourself, and it’s time for you to release the self-judgment and forgive yourself for anything you’re holding onto. We’ll get vulnerable this week, and learn that where there’s vulnerability – there’s empowerment (not weakness). You’ll gain a whole new sense of self-acceptance and self-love that probably didn’t think was possible before.
We’ll begin with the Journey to Yesteryear’s Lost Dream that will dive deep into what you used to want for your life and find out if it’s even relevant to you now. Instead of avoiding the pain of your past, you’ll rewrite it – finding the gifts and the lessons in the pain. We’ll finish up with the Journey to Your Future Self, a powerful exploration that will help guide you towards your next steps.
I could have ended the program at week seven and you would have experienced so many breakthroughs and feel empowered to take your next steps towards the life you’ve been craving. But I wanted to go a step further with week eight. We’ll look at how you can create goals you can actually CRUSH by understanding self-motivation, the map, and your driver. You’ll be ready to set the world on fire as you check off one goal after the next with these powerful tools.
“I can’t recommend Amanda highly enough. Amanda provides an amazing vehicle for looking at your life, mapping out a mission, and determining what’s holding you back, and what you need to move forward. I had the privilege to experience Amanda’s coaching and witnessed amazing results. If you’re ready to set new standards for yourself and produce amazing results, then you want Amanda as your coach.”
“Having a great big warm open heart, patience, understanding and laser intuition - Amanda is so much fun to work with! I love her because she is an extremely knowledgeable and confident person. Coaching with Amanda will get you the results you want and more.”
“Amanda is a natural in her field. She makes you feel very comfortable with her loving presence. With Amanda on your team, you will be able to accomplish anything you set your heart to. I highly recommend her.”
Customize this mastermind based on the level of support you want!
Choose Your Program
Your next breakthrough is waiting… are you ready?
How do I know this will work for me?
If you are craving more from your life and yourself, and you’re ready to do the work – this will absolutely work for you. The results you get will be different from anyone else, but you’ll get results. All of my years of education and coaching have come together to identify the things that hold people back, keep them stuck, and prevent them from taking risks and growing – and I know the materials presented in the program work (just look at the testimonials).
I’m busy. How much time will this program require each week?
The truth is, you’ll get out of this program what you can put into it. Each week we will have a group call, self-reflection, and action steps. At the least, you should prepare to spend ___ hours each week in order to get something out of this program. Once we get started, you may find you crave the time you’ve set aside and look forward to it every week.
I’ve spent some time on self-discovery and coaching before with so-so results. How is this program different?
This program is different because it combines coaching and education with sisterhood and support. You won’t be trying to read a book and apply it on your own or spend time with a coach once a week and be left alone the rest of the time – you’ll have access to me and the other participants every day of the week so you can come in when you’re in crisis mode or when you need to celebrate. When the program finishes, you’ll likely have lifelong friends who can continue to support you on your journey. Additionally, I’ve combined different methods of coaching and different activities into this one program to make sure you get results even if something doesn’t resonate with you along the way.
I’m worried I won’t be able to attend all of the weekly calls. Will I miss out on the materials?
No, not at all! Everything will be recorded, but I do encourage you to try to make the live calls to have the best experience.