3 Reasons Why Your Resolutions Failed

You have set a New Years resolution that failed, you tried again and set a new goal and lost momentum, WHY?

It is not your fault. 

There are 3 key pieces I am going to share with you that I work on with my clients ALL the time. 

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-based

2. Know your why - What is the drive that is setting your goal, and determine if this is an away or towards thought.
NOTE: If you tend you go the a towards goal, which is usually something positive - notice if this is a goal you tried before, and look for the away thought - what is the worst case scenario etc.  This is why often someone struggling with weight loss, will suddenly become committed when they hear bad news from the doctor.

3. Create subgoals.
Your mind needs to be rewarded along the way. When your subconscious sees that you have achieved your subgoal, you become more confident that the next step will be achieved as well. By have many micro subgoals along the way, you are essentially retraining your brain! 

Have you been stuck and feel like having some support could really take your goals to that next level? let's chat! 

Go ahead and shoot me an email amanda@empowerlifecoach.com or you can schedule a call right here